Hereditary Chief is Qui-ench Kwina


The Qui-ench Chief Henry Kwina is the Hereditary Sovereign Chieftain of Lummi First Nation, Salish Whatcom Territory as a Legally International, Federal, State and Tribal Recognized Sovereign, by U.S. Congress in Acknowledgment for Hereditary Qui-ench Kwina.

This is irrefutable Law, Absolute Law: This is International Law, State Law, Tribal Law, adding also Federal Law,  as this compounds Qui-ench Kwina as Hereditary Sovereign for eternity, by Law
no man can undo.

"Qui-ench" means Sovereign Head, by Law.

Qui-ench Kwina is Hereditary by Direct Succession, by Law.




** The "Circle within a Circle" is the Sacred Anointed Symbology of The House of Kwina.


"Most High and Holy Spirit."